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local p = {}; local i18nDefaultLanguage = mw.language.getContentLanguage():getCode(); p.i18nDefaultLanguage = i18nDefaultLanguage; local NORMATIVE_DOCUMENTS = { Q20754888 = 'Закон Российской Федерации', Q20754884 = 'Закон РСФСР', Q20873831 = 'Распоряжение Президента Российской Федерации', Q20873834 = 'Указ исполняющего обязанности Президента Российской Федерации', Q2061228 = 'Указ Президента Российской Федерации', } local monthg = {'января', 'февраля', 'марта', 'апреля', 'мая', 'июня', 'июля', 'августа', 'сентября', 'октября', 'ноября', 'декабря'}; local options_commas_nolinks = { separator = ', ', conjunction = ', ', format = function( src ) return src end, nolinks = true, preferids = false }; local function isEmpty( str ) return ( not str ) or ( str == nil ) or ( #str == 0 ); end p.isEmpty = isEmpty local function getSingleStringQualifierValue( allQualifiers, qualifierPropertyId ) if ( not allQualifiers ) then return end if ( not allQualifiers[qualifierPropertyId] ) then return end for k, qualifier in pairs( allQualifiers[qualifierPropertyId] ) do if ( qualifier and qualifier.datatype == 'string' and qualifier.datavalue and qualifier.datavalue.type == 'string' and not isEmpty( qualifier.datavalue.value ) ) then return qualifier.datavalue.value; end end return; end local function appendImpl_toTable(result, resultProperty) if ( not result[resultProperty] ) then result[resultProperty] = {}; elseif ( type( result[resultProperty] ) == 'string' or ( type( result[resultProperty] ) == 'table' and type( result[resultProperty].id ) == 'string' ) ) then result[resultProperty] = { result[resultProperty] }; end end local function appendImpl( datavalue, qualifiers, result, property, options ) if ( datavalue.type == 'string' ) then local statedAs = getSingleStringQualifierValue(qualifiers, 'P1932'); local value; if ( statedAs ) then value = statedAs; else value = datavalue.value; if ( options.format ) then value = options.format( value ); end end appendImpl_toTable( result, property ); local pos = getSingleStringQualifierValue(qualifiers, 'P1545') if pos then table.insert( result[property], pos, value ); else table.insert( result[property], value); end elseif ( datavalue.type == 'url' ) then local statedAs = getSingleStringQualifierValue(qualifiers, 'P1932'); local value = datavalue.value; if ( options.format ) then value = options.format( value ); end appendImpl_toTable( result, property ); table.insert( result[property], value); elseif ( datavalue.type == 'monolingualtext' ) then local value = datavalue.value.text; if ( options.format ) then value = options.format( value ); end appendImpl_toTable( result, property ); table.insert( result[property], value); elseif ( datavalue.type == 'quantity' ) then local value = datavalue.value.amount; if ( mw.ustring.sub( value , 1, 1 ) == '+' ) then value = mw.ustring.sub( value , 2 ); end if ( options.format ) then value = options.format( value ); end appendImpl_toTable( result, property ); table.insert( result[property], value); elseif ( datavalue.type == 'wikibase-entityid' ) then local pos = getSingleStringQualifierValue(qualifiers, 'P1545') local value = datavalue.value; appendImpl_toTable( result, property ); local toInsert = { id = value.id, label = getSingleStringQualifierValue(qualifiers, 'P1932') -- stated as }; if pos and tonumber( pos ) then table.insert( result[property], tonumber( pos ), toInsert ); else table.insert( result[property], toInsert ); end elseif datavalue.type == 'time' then local value = datavalue.value; if ( options.format ) then value = options.format( value ); end appendImpl_toTable( result, property ); table.insert( result[property], tostring( value.time )); end end local function appendSnaks( allSnaks, snakPropertyId, result, property, options ) -- do not populate twice if ( result[property] and (property ~= 'author' or result[snakPropertyId])) then return result end; if ( not allSnaks ) then return result; end; local selectedSnaks = allSnaks[ snakPropertyId ]; if ( not selectedSnaks ) then return result; end; if (property == 'author') then result[snakPropertyId] = true end; local hasPreferred = false; for k, snak in pairs( selectedSnaks ) do if ( snak and snak.mainsnak and snak.mainsnak.datavalue and snak.rank == 'preferred' ) then --it's a preferred claim appendImpl( snak.mainsnak.datavalue, snak.qualifiers, result, property, options ); hasPreferred = true; end end if ( hasPreferred ) then return result; end; if ( snakPropertyId == 'P1680' ) then -- if there is a russian for k, snak in pairs( selectedSnaks ) do if ( snak and snak.mainsnak and snak.mainsnak.datavalue and snak.mainsnak.datavalue.value and snak.rank ~= 'deprecated' and snak.mainsnak.datavalue.value.language == i18nDefaultLanguage ) then --found russian string appendImpl( snak.mainsnak.datavalue, snak.qualifiers, result, property, options ); return result; end end end; for k, snak in pairs( selectedSnaks ) do if ( snak and snak.mainsnak and snak.mainsnak.datavalue and snak.rank ~= 'deprecated' ) then --it's a claim appendImpl( snak.mainsnak.datavalue, snak.qualifiers, result, property, options ); elseif ( snak and snak.datavalue ) then -- it's a snak appendImpl( snak.datavalue, nil, result, property, options ); end end end local function appendQualifiers( claims, qualifierPropertyId, result, resultProperty, options ) -- do not populate twice if ( not claims ) then return result end; if ( result[resultProperty] ) then return result end; for i, claim in pairs( claims ) do if ( claim.qualifiers and claim.qualifiers[ qualifierPropertyId ] ) then for k, qualifier in pairs( claim.qualifiers[ qualifierPropertyId ] ) do if ( qualifier and qualifier.datavalue ) then appendImpl( qualifier.datavalue, nil, result, resultProperty, options ); end end end end end local function assertNotNull( argName, arg ) if ( (not arg) or (arg == nil) ) then error( argName .. ' is not specified' ) end end function p.coalesce( arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 ) if ( not isEmpty( arg1 ) ) then return arg1 end if ( not isEmpty( arg2 ) ) then return arg2 end if ( not isEmpty( arg3 ) ) then return arg3 end if ( not isEmpty( arg4 ) ) then return arg4 end return nil; end local function toStringSnak( propertyId, strValue ) assertNotNull('propertyId', strValue) assertNotNull('strValue', strValue) local snak = { snaktype = "value", property = propertyId, datatype = 'string'}; snak["datavalue"] = { value = strValue, type = 'string' }; return snak; end local function toUrlSnak( propertyId, strValue ) assertNotNull('propertyId', strValue) assertNotNull('strValue', strValue) local snak = { snaktype = "value", property = propertyId, datatype = 'string'}; snak["datavalue"] = { value = strValue, type = 'url' }; return snak; end function p.copyArgsToSnaks( args, snaks ) if ( not isEmpty( args.part ) ) then snaks.P958 = { toStringSnak( 'P958', tostring( args.part ) ) } end if ( not isEmpty( args.pages ) ) then snaks.P304 = { toStringSnak( 'P304', tostring( args.pages ) ) } end if ( not isEmpty( args.issue ) ) then snaks.P433 = { toStringSnak( 'P433', tostring( args.issue ) ) } end if ( not isEmpty( args.volume ) ) then snaks.P478 = { toStringSnak( 'P478', tostring( args.volume ) ) } end if ( not isEmpty( args.url ) ) then snaks.P953 = { toUrlSnak( 'P953', tostring( args.url ) ) } end if ( not isEmpty( args.parturl ) ) then snaks.P953 = { toUrlSnak( 'P953', tostring( args.parturl ) ) } end end local LANG_CACHE = { Q150 = 'fr', Q188 = 'de', Q1321 = 'es', Q1860 = 'en', Q652 = 'it', Q7737 = 'ru', Q8798 = 'uk', } function p.getLangCode( langEntityId ) if ( not langEntityId ) then return; end -- small optimization local cached = LANG_CACHE[ langEntityId ]; if ( cached ) then return cached; end local claims = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements( langEntityId, 'P424' ); if ( claims ) then for _, claim in pairs( claims ) do if ( claim and claim.mainsnak and claim.mainsnak.datavalue and claim.mainsnak.datavalue.value ) then return '' .. claim.mainsnak.datavalue.value; end end end return; end local function findClaimsByValue( entity, propertyId, value ) local result = {}; if ( entity and entity.claims and entity.claims[propertyId] ) then for i, claim in pairs( entity.claims[propertyId] ) do if ( claim.mainsnak and claim.mainsnak.datavalue ) then local datavalue = claim.mainsnak.datavalue; if ( datavalue.type == "string" and datavalue.value == value or datavalue.type == "wikibase-entityid" and datavalue.value["entity-type"] == "item" and tostring( datavalue.value.id ) == value ) then table.insert( result, claim ); end end end end return result; end local function getBestStatements( entity, propertyId ) local resultClaims = {}; if ( entity and entity.claims and entity.claims[ propertyId ] ) then local rank = 'normal'; for i, statement in pairs( entity.claims[ propertyId ] ) do if ( statement.rank == 'preferred' ) then rank = 'preferred'; break; end end for i, statement in pairs( entity.claims[ propertyId ] ) do if ( statement.rank == rank ) then table.insert( resultClaims, statement ); end end end return resultClaims; end local function getEntity( context, entityId ) assertNotNull( 'context', context ); assertNotNull( 'entityId', entityId ); local cached = context.cache[ entityId ]; if ( cached ) then return cached; end; local wbStatus, result = pcall( mw.wikibase.getEntity, entityId ); if ( wbStatus ~= true ) then return nil; end if ( result ) then context.cache[ entityId ] = result; end return result; end p.getEntity = getEntity function p.expandBookSeries( context, data ) local bookSeries = data.bookSeries; if ( not bookSeries ) then return end; -- use only first one if ( type( bookSeries ) == 'table' and bookSeries[1] and bookSeries[1].id ) then data.bookSeries = bookSeries[1]; bookSeries = data.bookSeries; end if ( not bookSeries ) then return end; if ( not bookSeries.id ) then return end; local bookSeriesEntity = getEntity( context, bookSeries.id ); appendSnaks( bookSeriesEntity.claims, 'P123', data, 'publisher', {} ); appendSnaks( bookSeriesEntity.claims, 'P291', data, 'place', {} ); appendSnaks( bookSeriesEntity.claims, 'P236', data, 'issn', {} ); end local function isInstanceOf( entity, typeEntityId ) if ( not entity or not entity.claims or not entity.claims.P31 ) then return false; end for _, claim in pairs( entity.claims.P31 ) do if ( claim and claim.mainsnak and claim.mainsnak.datavalue and claim.mainsnak.datavalue.value and claim.mainsnak.datavalue.value.id ) then local actualTypeId = claim.mainsnak.datavalue.value.id; if ( actualTypeId == typeEntityId ) then return true; end end end return false; end p.isInstanceOf = isInstanceOf local function populateDataFromClaims( context, entityId, claims, data ) appendSnaks( claims, 'P50', data, 'author', {} ); appendSnaks( claims, 'P2093', data, 'author', {} ); appendSnaks( claims, 'P407', data, 'lang', {} ); appendSnaks( claims, 'P364', data, 'lang', {} ); appendSnaks( claims, 'P958', data, 'part', {} ); appendSnaks( claims, 'P1810', data, 'part', {} ); if ( not data.title ) then if ( not isEmpty( entityId ) ) then local optionsAsLinks = { format = function( text ) return { id = entityId, label = text } end }; appendSnaks( claims, 'P1476', data, 'title', optionsAsLinks ); else appendSnaks( claims, 'P1476', data, 'title', {} ); end appendSnaks( claims, 'P1680', data, 'subtitle', {} ); end appendSnaks( claims, 'P953', data, 'url', {} ); appendSnaks( claims, 'P1065', data, 'url', {} ); appendSnaks( claims, 'P854', data, 'url', {} ); appendSnaks( claims, 'P973', data, 'url', {} ); appendSnaks( claims, 'P2699', data, 'url', {} ); -- temp disable, use only for current entity, see Q22338048 for example of incorrect work -- appendSnaks( claims, 'P856', data, 'url', {} ); appendSnaks( claims, 'P98', data, 'editor', {} ); appendSnaks( claims, 'P655', data, 'translator', {} ); appendSnaks( claims, 'P1433', data, 'publication', {} ); appendSnaks( claims, 'P393', data, 'edition', {} ); appendSnaks( claims, 'P123', data, 'publisher', {} ); appendSnaks( claims, 'P291', data, 'place', {} ); if ( claims and claims.P361 ) then for c, claim in pairs( claims.P361 ) do if ( claim and claim.mainsnak and claim.mainsnak.datavalue and claim.mainsnak.datavalue.value and claim.mainsnak.datavalue.value.id ) then local possibleBookSeriesEntityId = claim.mainsnak.datavalue.value.id; local possibleBookSeriesEntity = getEntity( context, possibleBookSeriesEntityId ); if ( isInstanceOf( possibleBookSeriesEntity, 'Q277759' ) ) then appendImpl_toTable( data, 'bookSeries' ); table.insert( data.bookSeries, { id = possibleBookSeriesEntityId } ); appendQualifiers( { claim }, 'P478', data, 'bookSeriesVolume', {} ); appendQualifiers( { claim }, 'P433', data, 'bookSeriesIssue', {} ); end end end end appendSnaks( claims, 'P478', data, 'volume', {} ); appendSnaks( claims, 'P433', data, 'issue', {} ); appendSnaks( claims, 'P571', data, 'dateOfCreation', {} ); appendSnaks( claims, 'P577', data, 'dateOfPublication', {} ); appendSnaks( claims, 'P304', data, 'pages', {} ); appendSnaks( claims, 'P1104', data, 'numberOfPages', {} ); appendSnaks( claims, 'P1092', data, 'tirage', {} ); appendSnaks( claims, 'P212', data, 'isbn', {} ); -- ISBN-13 appendSnaks( claims, 'P957', data, 'isbn', {} ); -- ISBN-10 appendSnaks( claims, 'P236', data, 'issn', {} ); -- web -- appendSnaks( claims, 'P813', data, 'accessdate', {} ); -- docs appendSnaks( claims, 'P1545', data, 'docNumber', {} ); -- other appendSnaks( claims, 'P31', data, 'type', {} ); appendSnaks( claims, 'P818', data, 'arxiv', {} ); appendSnaks( claims, 'P356', data, 'doi', {} ); appendSnaks( claims, 'P698', data, 'pmid', {} ); -- JSTOR appendSnaks( claims, 'P888', data, 'url', { format = function( id ) return 'http://www.jstor.org/stable/' .. id end } ); return src; end p.populateDataFromClaims = populateDataFromClaims local function getNormativeTitle( entity ) if ( not entity or not entity.claims or not entity.claims.P31 ) then return; end for _, claim in pairs( entity.claims.P31 ) do if ( claim and claim.mainsnak and claim.mainsnak.datavalue and claim.mainsnak.datavalue.value and claim.mainsnak.datavalue.value.id ) then local classId = claim.mainsnak.datavalue.value.id; local title = NORMATIVE_DOCUMENTS[ classId ]; if ( title ) then return title; end end end return; end local function getSingle( value ) if ( not value ) then return; end if ( type( value ) == 'string' ) then return value; elseif ( type( value ) == 'table' ) then if ( value.id ) then return value.id; end for i, tableValue in pairs( value ) do return getSingle( tableValue ); end end return '(unknown)'; end p.getSingle = getSingle local function wrapInUrl( urls, text ) local url = getSingle( urls ); if ( string.sub( url, 1, 1 ) == ':' ) then return '[[' .. url .. '|' .. text .. ']]'; else return '[' .. url .. ' ' .. text .. ']'; end end p.wrapInUrl = wrapInUrl local function getElementLink( context, entityId, entity ) -- fast sitelink lookup, not an expensive operation local link = mw.wikibase.sitelink( entityId ) if ( link ) then return ':' .. link end if ( not entity and entityId ) then entity = getEntity( context, entityId ) end if ( entity and context.lang ~= 'mul') then -- link to entity in source context language local projectToCheck = context.lang .. 'wiki'; if ( entity.sitelinks and entity.sitelinks[ projectToCheck ] ) then return ':' .. context.lang .. ':' .. entity.sitelinks[ projectToCheck ].title; end end if ( entityId ) then return ':d:' .. entityId end; -- if ( entityId ) then return 'https://tools.wmflabs.org/reasonator/?q=' .. entityId .. '&lang=ru' end; return nil; end p.getElementLink = getElementLink local function renderLink( context, entityId, customTitle, options ) if ( not entityId ) then error("entityId is not specified") end if ( type( entityId ) ~= 'string' ) then error('entityId is not string, but ' .. type( entityId ) ) end if ( type( customTitle or '' ) ~= 'string' ) then error('customTitle is not string, but ' .. type( customTitle ) ) end local title = customTitle; if ( isEmpty( title ) ) then local entity = getEntity( context, entityId ); -- ISO 4 if ( isEmpty( title ) ) then if ( entity and entity.claims and entity.claims.P1160 ) then for _, claim in pairs( entity.claims.P1160 ) do if ( claim and claim.mainsnak and claim.mainsnak.datavalue and claim.mainsnak.datavalue.value and claim.mainsnak.datavalue.value.language == context.lang ) then title = claim.mainsnak.datavalue.value.text; mw.log('Got title of ' .. entityId .. ' from ISO 4 claim: «' .. title .. '»' ) break; end end end end -- official name P1448 -- short name P1813 if ( isEmpty( title ) and options.short ) then if ( entity and entity.claims and entity.claims.P1813 ) then for _, claim in pairs( entity.claims.P1813 ) do if ( claim and claim.mainsnak and claim.mainsnak.datavalue and claim.mainsnak.datavalue.value and claim.mainsnak.datavalue.value.language == context.lang ) then title = claim.mainsnak.datavalue.value.text; mw.log('Got title of ' .. entityId .. ' from short name claim: «' .. title .. '»' ) break; end end end end -- person name P1559 -- labels if ( isEmpty( title ) and entity.labels[ context.lang ] ) then title = entity.labels[ context.lang ].value; mw.log('Got title of ' .. entityId .. ' from label: «' .. title .. '»' ) end end local actualText = title or '\'\'(untranslated)\'\''; local link = getElementLink( context, entityId, entity); return wrapInUrl( link, actualText ); end local function toString( context, value, options ) if ( type( value ) == 'string' ) then return options.format( value ); elseif ( type( value ) == 'table' ) then if ( value.id ) then -- this is link if ( type( value.label or '' ) ~= 'string' ) then mw.logObject( value ); error('label of table value is not string but ' .. type( value.label ) ) end if ( options.preferids ) then return options.format( value.id ); else if ( options.nolinks ) then return options.format( value.label or mw.wikibase.label( value.id ) or '\'\'(untranslated title)\'\'' ); else return options.format( renderLink( context, value.id, value.label, options ) ); end end end local resultList = {}; for i, tableValue in pairs( value ) do table.insert( resultList, toString( context, tableValue, options ) ); end return mw.text.listToText( resultList, options.separator, options.conjunction); else return options.format( '(unknown type)' ); end return ''; end p.toString = toString local function populateSourceDataImpl( context, entity, plainData ) local wsLink = mw.wikibase.getSitelink( entity.id, 'ruwikisource' ); if ( wsLink and not mw.ustring.gmatch( wsLink, 'Категория:' ) ) then plainData.url = ":ru:s:" .. wsLink; end populateDataFromClaims( context, entity.id, entity.claims, plainData ); local normativeTitle = getNormativeTitle( entity ) if ( normativeTitle ) then local y, m, d = mw.ustring.match( getSingle( plainData.dateOfCreation ) , "(%-?%d+)%-(%d+)%-(%d+)T" ); y,m,d = tonumber(y),tonumber(m),tonumber(d); local title = toString( { lang='ru' }, plainData.title, options_commas_nolinks ); local docNumber = getSingle( plainData.docNumber ) plainData.title = { normativeTitle .. " от " .. tostring(d) .. " " .. monthg[m] .. " " .. tostring(y) .. " г." .. ( docNumber and ( " № " .. docNumber ) or '' ) .. ' «' .. title.. '»' } end if ( not plainData.title ) then if ( entity and entity.labels and entity.labels.ru and entity.labels.ru.value ) then plainData.title = { entity.labels.ru.value }; end end return plainData; end p.populateSourceDataImpl = populateSourceDataImpl function p.expandPublication( context, sourceEntity, data ) local publication = data.publication; -- use only first one if ( type( publication ) == 'table' and publication[1] and publication[1].id ) then data.publication = publication[1]; publication = data.publication; end if ( not publication ) then return end; if ( not publication.id ) then return end; if ( sourceEntity ) then -- do we have appropriate record in P1433 ? local claims = findClaimsByValue( sourceEntity, 'P1433', publication.id ); if ( claims and #claims ~= 0 ) then for _, claim in pairs( claims ) do populateDataFromClaims( context, sourceEntity, claim.qualifiers, data ); break; end end end local titleWerePresent = not (not data.title); local pubEntity = getEntity( context, publication.id ); populateSourceDataImpl( context, pubEntity, data ); if ( titleWerePresent and isEmpty( data.publication.label ) ) then appendSnaks( pubEntity.claims, 'P1160', data, 'publication-title', {} ); -- obsolete data.publication.label = getSingle( data['publication-title'] ); end if ( titleWerePresent and isEmpty( data.publication.label ) ) then appendSnaks( pubEntity.claims, 'P1476', data, 'publication-title', {} ); appendSnaks( pubEntity.claims, 'P1680', data, 'publication-subtitle', {} ); data.publication.label = getSingle( data['publication-title'] ); data.publication.subtitle = getSingle( data['publication-subtitle'] ); end end local function expandSpecialsQualifiers( context, entity, propertyId, data ) if ( entity and entity.claims and entity.claims[propertyId] ) then for _, claim in pairs( entity.claims[propertyId] ) do populateDataFromClaims( context, nil, claim.qualifiers, data ); end end end -- Expand special types of references when additional data could be found in OTHER entity properties function p.expandSpecials( context, currentEntity, reference, data ) local sourceId; if ( reference.snaks.P805 and reference.snaks.P805[1] and reference.snaks.P805[1].datavalue and reference.snaks.P805[1].datavalue.value.id ) then sourceId = reference.snaks.P805[1].datavalue.value.id; elseif ( reference.snaks.P248 and reference.snaks.P248[1] and reference.snaks.P248[1].datavalue and reference.snaks.P248[1].datavalue.value.id ) then sourceId = reference.snaks.P248[1].datavalue.value.id; end if sourceId then data.sourceId = sourceId; -- Gemeinsame Normdatei -- specified by P227 if ( sourceId == 'Q36578' ) then appendSnaks( currentEntity.claims, 'P227', data, 'part', { format = function( gnd ) return 'Record #' .. gnd; end } ); appendSnaks( currentEntity.claims, 'P227', data, 'url', { format = function( gnd ) return 'http://d-nb.info/gnd/' .. gnd .. '/'; end } ); data.year = '2012—2016' expandSpecialsQualifiers( context, currentEntity, 'P227', data ); -- BNF -- specified by P268 elseif ( sourceId == 'Q15222191' ) then appendSnaks( currentEntity.claims, 'P268', data, 'part', { format = function( id ) return 'Record #' .. id; end } ); appendSnaks( currentEntity.claims, 'P268', data, 'url', { format = function( id ) return 'http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb' .. id; end } ); expandSpecialsQualifiers( context, currentEntity, 'P268', data ); -- VIAF -- specified by P214 elseif ( sourceId == 'Q54919' ) then appendSnaks( currentEntity.claims, 'P214', data, 'part', { format = function( id ) return 'Record #' .. id; end } ); appendSnaks( currentEntity.claims, 'P214', data, 'url', { format = function( id ) return 'https://viaf.org/viaf/' .. id; end } ); expandSpecialsQualifiers( context, currentEntity, 'P214', data ); -- generic property search else local sourceEntity = getEntity( context, sourceId ); if ( sourceEntity ) then for _, sourceClaim in ipairs( getBestStatements( sourceEntity, 'P1687' ) ) do if ( sourceClaim.mainsnak.snaktype == 'value' ) then local sourcePropertyId = sourceClaim.mainsnak.datavalue.value.id; local sourcePropertyEntity = getEntity( context, sourcePropertyId ); if ( sourcePropertyEntity ) then for _, sourcePropertyClaim in ipairs( getBestStatements( sourcePropertyEntity, 'P1630' ) ) do if ( sourcePropertyClaim.mainsnak.snaktype == 'value' ) then appendSnaks( currentEntity.claims, sourcePropertyId, data, 'url', { format = function( id ) return mw.ustring.gsub( mw.ustring.gsub( sourcePropertyClaim.mainsnak.datavalue.value, '$1', id ), ' ', '%%20' ) end; } ); expandSpecialsQualifiers( context, currentEntity, sourcePropertyId, data ); break; end end end end end end end -- do we have appropriate record in P1433 ? local claims = findClaimsByValue( currentEntity, 'P1343', sourceId ); if ( claims and #claims ~= 0 ) then for _, claim in pairs( claims ) do populateDataFromClaims( context, sourceId, claim.qualifiers, data ); end end end end local function toTextWithTip( text, tip ) return '<span title="' .. tip .. '" style="border-bottom: 1px dotted; cursor: help; white-space: nowrap">' .. text .. '</span>'; end local function getPlaceName( lang, placeId ) -- ГОСТ Р 7.0.12—2011 if ( lang == 'ru' ) then if ( placeId == 'Q649' ) then return toTextWithTip('М.', 'Москва'); end if ( placeId == 'Q656' ) then return toTextWithTip('СПб.', 'Санкт-Петербург'); end if ( placeId == 'Q891' ) then return toTextWithTip('Н. Новгород', 'Нижний Новгород'); end if ( placeId == 'Q908' ) then return toTextWithTip('Ростов н/Д.', 'Ростов-на-Дону'); end end return nil; end function p.preprocessPlaces( data, lang ) if ( not data.place ) then return; end; local newPlaces = {}; for index, place in pairs( data.place ) do if ( place.id ) then local newPlaceStr = getPlaceName(lang, place.id) if ( newPlaceStr ) then newPlaces[index] = newPlaceStr; else newPlaces[index] = place; end else newPlaces[index] = place; end end data.place = newPlaces; end function p.toWikibaseEntityIdSnak( propertyId, entityId ) assertNotNull('propertyId', propertyId) assertNotNull('entityId', entityId) if ( mw.ustring.sub( entityId, 1, 1 ) ~= 'Q' ) then error( 'Incorrect entity ID: «' .. entityId .. '»' ); end; local value = { ["entity-type"] = 'item', ["id"] = entityId, }; local snak = { snaktype = "value", property = propertyId, datatype = 'wikibase-item'}; snak["datavalue"] = { value = value, type = 'wikibase-entityid' }; return snak; end return p;