Модуль:Родственные проекты
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local p = {}; -- Configuration data local config = require( 'Module:Родственные_проекты/config' ); -- Modules local getArgs = require( 'Module:Arguments' ).getArgs; local errorMsg = require( 'Module:Error' ).error; local yesno = require( 'Module:Yesno' ); -- Variables local modules = {}; -- Helpers local function formatProject( frame, args, item ) local out = ''; local context = frame; local entityId if args.from and args.from ~= '' then entityId = args.from else entityId = mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage() end if entityId and item.sitelink then item.value = mw.wikibase.getSitelink( entityId, item.sitelink ) elseif item[ 'module' ] and item[ 'function' ] then if modules[ item[ 'module' ] ] == nil then modules[ item[ 'module' ] ] = require( 'Module:' .. item[ 'module' ] ); end context.args = item[ 'args' ] or {} context.args.from = entityId item.wikiValue = modules[ item[ 'module' ] ][ item[ 'function' ] ]( context ); -- add wiki prefix if item.wikiValue ~= nil and item.wikiValue ~= '' and item.wikiPrefix ~= nil and item.wikiPrefix ~= '' then item.wikiValue = item.wikiPrefix.. ':' .. item.wikiValue; end -- override value if local value does not exist if item.value == nil or item.value == '' then item.value = item.wikiValue; end end if item.value ~= nil and item.value ~= '' then -- replace variables if item.title ~= nil and item.title ~= '' then item.title = string.gsub( item.title, '%$1', item.value ); end -- format prefix if string.find( item.value, '^' .. item.prefix .. ':' ) ~= nil then item.prefixFormatted = ''; else item.prefixFormatted = item.prefix .. ':'; end -- format image if item.imageTemplate ~= nil and item.imageTemplate ~= '' then item.imageFormatted = frame:expandTemplate{ title = item.imageTemplate, args = { item.value, size = config.params.itemImageSize } }; elseif item.image ~= nil and item.image ~= '' then item.imageFormatted = '[[File:' .. item.image .. '|link=|alt=|' .. config.params.itemImageSize .. 'px]]'; end -- format wikilink out = out .. '[[' .. item.prefixFormatted .. item.value .. '|' .. item.title .. ']]'; end return out; end local function getParamsList( frame, args, list ) local result = {}; for i, item in ipairs( list ) do local value = args[item.id]; if value == nil or value ~= '-' then item.localValue = value; item.value = value; item.formatted = formatProject( frame, args, item ); if item.formatted ~= '' then table.insert( result, item ); end end end return result; end -- Renders local function renderProjects( frame, list ) local res = mw.html.create(); for i, item in ipairs( list ) do -- wrapper local li = res:tag( 'li' ) :addClass( config.params.tsClass .. '-item' ); -- class local class = ''; if item.name == 'project' or item.name == 'portal' then class = item.name .. '-box'; else class = item.name .. '-ref'; end -- image if item.imageFormatted ~= nil and item.imageFormatted ~= '' then li:tag( 'span' ) :addClass( config.params.tsClass .. '-image' ) :wikitext( item.imageFormatted ); end -- formatted value li:tag( 'span' ) :addClass( config.params.tsClass .. '-label' ) :addClass( class ) :wikitext( item.formatted ); end return res; end local function render( frame, title, interprojects, otherprojects ) local templateStyles = frame:extensionTag{ name = 'templatestyles', args = { src = config.params.templateStyles } }; local interprojectsFormatted = renderProjects( frame, interprojects ); local otherprojectsFormatted = renderProjects( frame, otherprojects ); -- wrapper local res = mw.html.create() :wikitext( templateStyles ); local body = res:tag( 'div' ) :addClass( config.params.tsClass ) :addClass( config.params.bodyClass ) :attr( 'role', 'navigation' ); -- render title if table.getn( interprojects ) > 1 and ( title == nil or title == '' ) then title = config.title['default']; end if title ~= nil and title ~= '' then body:attr( 'aria-labelledby', mw.uri.anchorEncode( title ) ); body:tag( 'div' ) :addClass( config.params.tsClass .. '-header' ) :attr( 'id', mw.uri.anchorEncode( title ) ) :wikitext( "'''" .. title .. "'''" ); else body:attr( 'aria-label', config.title['default'] ); end -- render inter projects if table.getn( interprojects ) > 0 then body:tag( 'ul' ) :node( interprojectsFormatted ); end -- render separator if table.getn( interprojects ) > 0 and table.getn( otherprojects ) > 0 then body:tag( 'hr' ); end -- render other projects if table.getn( otherprojects ) > 0 then body:tag( 'ul' ) :node( otherprojectsFormatted ); end return res; end -- Categories local function formatCategory( value ) return '[[Category:' .. value .. ']]'; end local function formatCategories( frame, list ) local categories = {}; for i, item in ipairs( list ) do local categoryItem = config.categories[ item.name ]; if categoryItem ~= nil then if categoryItem['local'] ~= nil and item.localValue ~= nil and item.localValue ~= '' then local category = formatCategory( categoryItem['local'] ) table.insert( categories, category ); elseif categoryItem['default'] ~= nil then local category = formatCategory( categoryItem['default'] ) table.insert( categories, category ); end -- when local value is equal to wikidata if categoryItem['equal'] ~= nil and item.localValue ~= nil and item.localValue ~= '' and item.wikiValue ~= nil and item.wikiValue ~= '' and item.localValue == item.wikiValue then local category = formatCategory( categoryItem['equal'] ) table.insert( categories, category ); end -- when local value is not equal to wikidata if categoryItem['not-equal'] ~= nil and item.localValue ~= nil and item.localValue ~= '' and item.wikiValue ~= nil and item.wikiValue ~= '' and item.localValue ~= item.wikiValue then local category = formatCategory( categoryItem['not-equal'] ) table.insert( categories, category ); end -- category for non existing pages if categoryItem['not-exists'] ~= nil then local page = mw.title.new( item.value, item.prefix ); if not page.exists then local category = formatCategory( categoryItem['not-exists'] ) table.insert( categories, category ); end end end end return table.concat( categories ); end local function renderCategories( frame, interprojects, otherprojects ) -- wrapper local res = mw.html.create(); -- format iterprojects categories local interprojectsCategories = formatCategories( frame, interprojects ); res:wikitext( interprojectsCategories ); -- format otherprojects categories local otherprojectsCategories = formatCategories( frame, otherprojects ); res:wikitext( otherprojectsCategories ); -- service categories if next( interprojects ) == nil and next( otherprojects ) == nil then local category = formatCategory( config.categories['empty'] ); res:wikitext( category ); end return res; end -- Preview local function renderPreview( frame ) local res = mw.html.create(); if config.preview ~= nil and config.preview['empty'] ~= nil and config.preview['empty'] ~= '' then local message = errorMsg( { tag = 'p', message = config.preview['empty'] } ); res:wikitext( message ); end return res; end; -- Main function p.main( frame ) local args = getArgs( frame, { wrappers = config.params.wrappers } ); local nocat = yesno( args['nocat'] ); -- title parameter local title = ''; for i, item in ipairs( config.title.id ) do if args[item] ~= nil and args[item] ~= '' then title = args[item]; end end if title ~= nil and title ~= '' then title = title .. ':' end -- get parameters list local interprojects = getParamsList( frame, args, config['interprojects'] ); local otherprojects = getParamsList( frame, args, config['otherprojects'] ); -- wrapper local res = mw.html.create(); -- render body if next( interprojects ) ~= nil or next( otherprojects ) ~= nil then local body = render( frame, title, interprojects, otherprojects ); res:node( body ); elseif config.params.showPreview and frame:preprocess( '{{REVISIONID}}' ) == '' then local preview = renderPreview( frame ); res:node( preview ); end -- render category list if not nocat then local pageTitle = mw.title.getCurrentTitle(); if pageTitle.namespace == 0 then local categories = renderCategories( frame, interprojects, otherprojects ); res:node( categories ); end end return tostring( res ); end return p;