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Файл:WP-TranslationProject TwoFlags.svg | Этот модуль был создан, полностью или частично, на основе перевода оригинального модуля Module:Demo из раздела Википедии на английском языке. |
Реализация шаблона {{Demo}}, см. его документацию.
local p = {} --creates a frame object that cannot access any of the parent's args --unless a table containing a list keys of not to inherit is provided function disinherit(frame, onlyTheseKeys) local parent = frame:getParent() or frame local orphan = parent:newChild{} orphan.getParent = parent.getParent --returns nil orphan.args = {} if onlyTheseKeys then local family = {parent, frame} for f = 1, 2 do for k, v in pairs(family[f] and family[f].args or {}) do orphan.args[k] = orphan.args[k] or v end end parent.args = mw.clone(orphan.args) setmetatable(orphan.args, nil) for _, k in ipairs(onlyTheseKeys) do rawset(orphan.args, k, nil) end end return orphan, parent end function p.get(frame, arg, passArgs) local orphan, frame = disinherit(frame, passArgs and {arg or 1}) local code, noWiki, preserve = frame.args[arg or 1] or '' local kill_categories = not frame.args.save_categories local tag, sep if code:match'nowiki' then local placeholder, preserve = ('6'):char(), {} -- We replace "}%-" and "%-{" because of some server bug probably connected to -- [[mw:Parsoid/MediaWiki DOM spec/Language conversion blocks]] and leading to -- =mw.text.unstripNoWiki(mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess('<nowiki>}-</nowiki>')) -- outputting '}-' instead of "}-", while it's ok with "<nowiki>} -</nowiki>" code = mw.text.unstripNoWiki(code) :gsub('<', '<') :gsub('>', '>') :gsub('}%-', '}-') :gsub('%-{', '-{') if (mw.text.trim(code):match'\n') then tag = 'pre' sep = '' end noWiki = code:gsub('%%', placeholder) for k in noWiki:gmatch('&.-;') do table.insert(preserve, (k:gsub('&', '&'))) noWiki = noWiki:gsub('(&.-;)', '%%%s') end noWiki = mw.text.nowiki(noWiki):format(unpack(preserve)):gsub(placeholder, '%%') end return { source = noWiki or code, output = orphan:preprocess(code) :gsub(kill_categories and '%[%[Категория:.-%]%]' or '', '') :gsub(kill_categories and '%[%[К:.-%]%]' or '', '') :gsub(kill_categories and '%[%[Category:.-%]%]' or '', ''), frame = frame, tag = tag, sep = sep } end function p.main(frame, demoTable) local show = demoTable or p.get(frame) local args = show.frame.args local yesno = require('Module:Yesno') args.reverse = yesno(args.reverse, false) args.tag = args.tag or show.tag or "code" args.sep = args.sep or args.br or show.sep args.sep = tonumber(args.sep) and ('<br>'):rep(args.sep or 0) or args.sep or (args.tag == 'pre' and '' or ' → ') if show[args.result_arg] then return show[args.result_arg] end return args.reverse and string.format('%s%s<%s%s>%s</%s>', show.output, args.sep, args.tag, args.style and string.format(" style='%s'", args.style) or '', show.source, args.tag) or string.format('<%s%s>%s</%s>%s%s', args.tag, args.style and string.format(" style='%s'", args.style) or '', show.source, args.tag, args.sep, show.output) end --passing of args into other module without preprocessing function p.module(frame) local orphan, frame = disinherit(frame, { 'demo_template', 'demo_module', 'demo_module_func', 'demo_main', 'demo_br', 'demo_result_arg', 'demo_save_categories' }) local template = frame.args.demo_template and 'Template:'..frame.args.demo_template local demoFunc = frame.args.demo_module_func or 'main\n' local demoModule = require('Module:' .. frame.args.demo_module)[demoFunc:match('^%s*(.-)%s*$')] frame.args.br, frame.args.result_arg = frame.args.demo_br or frame.args.demo_sep, frame.args.demo_result_arg local kill_categories = not save_categories if demoModule then local named = {insert = function(self, ...) table.insert(self, ...) return self end} local source = {insert = named.insert, '{{', frame.args.demo_template or frame.args.demo_module, '\n'} if not template then source:insert(2, '#invoke:'):insert(4, '|'):insert(5, demoFunc) end local insertNamed = #source + 1 for k, v in pairs(orphan.args) do local nan, insert = type(k) ~= 'number', {v} local target = nan and named or source target:insert'|' if nan then target:insert(k):insert'=':insert'\n' table.insert(insert, 1, #target) end target:insert(unpack(insert)) local nowiki = v:match('nowiki') if nowiki or v:match('{{.-}}') then orphan.args[k] = frame:preprocess(nowiki and mw.text.unstripNoWiki(v) or v) end end source:insert'}}' table.insert(source, insertNamed, table.concat(named)) return p.main(orphan, { source = mw.text.encode(table.concat(source), "<>'|=~"), output = tostring(demoModule(orphan)):gsub(kill_categories and '%[%[Категория:.-%]%]' or '', ''):gsub(kill_categories and '%[%[К:.-%]%]' or '', ''):gsub(kill_categories and '%[%[Category:.-%]%]' or '', ''), frame = frame }) else return "ERROR: Invalid module function: "..demoFunc end end return p