Модуль:Category handler/data

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Версия от 16:47, 8 мая 2023; Andras (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «-- This module assembles data to be passed to Module:Category handler using -- mw.loadData. This includes the configuration data and whether the current -- page matches the title blacklist. local data = require('Module:Category handler/config') local mShared = require('Module:Category handler/shared') local blacklist = require('Module:Category handler/blacklist') local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() data.currentTitleMatchesBlacklist = mShared.match...»)
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-- This module assembles data to be passed to [[Module:Category handler]] using
-- mw.loadData. This includes the configuration data and whether the current
-- page matches the title blacklist.

local data = require('Module:Category handler/config')
local mShared = require('Module:Category handler/shared')
local blacklist = require('Module:Category handler/blacklist')
local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()

data.currentTitleMatchesBlacklist = mShared.matchesBlacklist(

data.currentTitleNamespaceParameters = mShared.getNamespaceParameters(

return data